Sunday, August 03, 2008

COG 53 - It's a Doozey!

The Carnival of Genealogy, 53rd Edition has been posted by Jasia at Creative Gene. This was a carousel edition, which means it was open to any genealogy-related topic this time around, and it is a doozey! There were 39 articles contributed to the COG, many by first-time participants, on a wide variety of topics. Research tips, family stories, success stories, a little sadness, a bit of humor. Time well spent in reading them all.

Jasia also announced the topic for the next edition of the COG: The Family Language...Does your family use words and phrases that no one else knows or understands? Where did they come from? Did you ever try to explain your "family language" to outsiders? Tell a story about your family-coined words, phrases, or nicknames. This topic was chosen by Donna Pointkouski who will be hosting the next edition of the COG at What's Past is Prologue. The deadline for submissions is August 15th. Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using the carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page.

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